Notes |
1. Per website "About 1906 he was married to Sarah Adelia Taylor. They were the parents of Carrie and Joseph Welton Jr. Joseph Sr. passed away on Nov. 9, 1926."
2. Censuses:
1900 US: San Juan County, New Mexico, Precinct No. 6 Bloomfield (Hammond), 22 Jun 1900, p. 210a, family 133:
George W. Adair, June 1837, 63, md. 36 years, AL NC AL, farmer.
Emily, wife, Jan 1847, 53, md. 36 years, IA NY NY.
William A., son, Feb 1872, 28, div., UT AL IA, farm laborer.
Joseph W., son, Jun 1881, 19, sing., AZ AL IA, farm laborer.
Rufus N., son, Sep 1884, 15, sing., AZ AL IA, farm laborer.
Edna I., dau., Jan 1887, 13, sing., AZ AL IA, at school.
3. Parents: Independence Taylor and Julia Aner Taylor [note: two separate Taylor ancestries].
4. FHL book 779.248/N1-H2g "The Harmony Valley - and New Harmony, Utah, History and Memories," compiled by Sheldon B. Grant and Kay Daun. Pace Edwards:
Pp. 121-122: "Independence [Taylor] was always called 'Uncle Penn.' His only known residence in New Harmony was the house across the street from Tom and Vilo Pearce's home (now owned by Mike and Alex Ashby) and south of the Post Office. Uncle Penn owned a six-acre lot east of his home and about 40 acres north of the cemetery and below the dry field ditch... He also owned another 20 acres on the south side of Lower Joe Lee Creek... Edmund Carbine Grant owned ground west of Uncle Penn's. These two men were not only neighbors but also true friends. Their lots joined on the north, and their stables, barns, and stockyards were less than 100 yards apart. They traded work on their places in town and on the farms on Joe Lee Creek, a tradition that carried to the third generation. Sheldon Grant said, "Grandfather would farm out his grandsons to help this good man." He remembers working on Uncle Penn's farm, riding a horse, weeding, irrigating, cutting corn, and other farm chores. Uncle Penn's granddaughters would also ride the horse to help with the crops. Through marriage, Uncle Penn and Edmund Carbide Grant also became related when Edmund married Emily Adair, a sister to Joseph Adair who had married Uncle Penn's daughter, Sarah Adelia Taylor... Independence Taylor died March 21, 1942... [and is] buried in New Harmony Cemetery. Their home recently sold, but the Adair family still own the property to the east. None of the Adairs presently live in New Harmony, but they are hoping to get the property they own annexed into the town of New Harmony for a subdivision.
Pp. 134: Edmund Carbine Grant was born September 11, 1858, in Kaysville, Davis County, Utah, to George Roberts Grant and Mary Adelia Carbine. His only sibling, a sister, died as an infant. When his father, George Roberts Grant, went to California and left him with his mother, Mary Carbine Grant, she married William Warren Taylor. Edmund was about five or six years of age when he moved to New Harmony with his mother and stepfather. StepChildren sometimes have a hard time being accepted by their new parent. Edmund was the oldest boy in the family, but there was friction between him and his three half-brothers and stepfather. It was perhaps inevitable that he would leave home while still a young man. Edmund had excellent skills in handling and caring for horse teams. By the time he was ten years old he was driving them, and by age 15 he could handle them as well as anyone and better than most. When he left home it was only natural for him to go into the freighting business, He was very good at it and enjoyed the excitement of the lifestyle it represented. John D. Lee had been called to Arizona to start a lumber mill in the early 1870s. Edmund C. Grant and John D. Lee became very good friends. It was in Arizona that he went to work for Lee. John D. Lee became a father figure to young Edmund. Edmund said to many of his grandchildren, 'A finer, more outstanding, square-shooting man I have never known.' If anyone ever made derogatory remark about John D. Lee, Edmund would bristle and say, 'Humph! I do not believe it.' Edmund met and married Emily Jane Adair on February 4, 1885, in Nutrioso, Apache County, Arizona. Ther first child and son, Edmund LeRoy Grant, was born there on November 21, 1885. Their remaining seven children – Eleanor, Emily Adelia, George Albert, Pansey, Floyd, Rosamond, and Gladys – were born in New Harmony. After moving back to New Harmony, Edmund continued to do what he liked best for several years - freighting. He made regular trips to Lund, Utah, (before the railroad came into Cedar City), and to Cedar City, Hurricane, St. George, or anyplace else where he could find work. It was an honorable profession and was much in demand at that time. The omnipresence of semi-trucks and trailers on modern highways indicates that it still is. On one trip Edmund camped for the night and began to prepare his evening meal. He always fed, watered, and blanketed his horses before attending to his own needs. Another teamster came by and asked if he could camp with him. 'Sure, it's a free country,' Edmund said. 'Take care of your horses. Supper will soon be ready, and you are welcome to eat with me.' After the meal and the remaining camp chores were completed, the two men talked for a time around the campfire. Edmund then suggested that they roll their beds together. 'It's going to be a cold night, and we will keep warmer that way.' The man replied, 'You don't want to sleep with me, I'm lousy.' 'Good Hell - so am I!' Edmund exclaimed. The next morning he really was. When he reached home, his wife washed and ironed all his clothes and the bedding and eventually got rid of the lice! After he slowed down in the freighting business, Edmund Grand managed several sheep herds for Wilson Imlay in the Hurricane valley and other places. Later he ran a small farm south of New Harmony. He continued to do some freighting, primarily for himself and his friends. He also did all the work that any other pioneer did, although on a smaller scale. He taught his boys and grandchildren the value of work early in their lives. He know horses - his first love - and taught his children and grandchildren about livestock raising. Edmund and Sidney Goddard were good friends and spent time together at Goddard's ranch eight miles north of New Harmony. He was a hard worker, a good father, husband, and grandfather, and a true friend. He rode his pinto horse saddled until he couldn't saddle it anymore. Then he led it to a big log on his place and rode the horse bareback. He was still riding when he was close to ninety years old."
Pg. 136: "Emily Jane Adair was born December 28, 1865, at Washington, Washington County, Utah to George Washington Adair and Emily Prescinda Tyler. She married Edmund Carbine Grant on February 4, 1885, in Nutrioso, Apache County, Arizona. Emily's maternal grandfather was Daniel Tyler. He was a pioneer, and educator, and was prominent in both the Church and community. Daniel was well versed in church doctrine, and exercised the spiritual gifts of prophecy, speaking in tongues, and the interpretation of tongues many times throughout his life. Before his baptism he was slow of speech, but afterwards he was blessed with a fluent tongue. Daniel had close associations with the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum. He was a member of Zions Camp and suffered mobbing and expulsion with the Saints. He also attended the School of the Prophets and was a member of the Nauvoo Legion. He filled several missions for the church, and was one of the men who responded to President Brigham Young's call to serve in the Mormon Battalion with the United States Army. Thirty-six years later, at the insistence of his comrades and with the encouragement of President John Taylor, Daniel compiled what came to be recognized as the accepted history of that incredible adventure."
Pg. 142: Sidney C. Goddard and LeRoy Grant, son of Edmund and Emily Adair Grant were partners in two adjoining ranches. Sidney never married. He died at age 67. "Sidney left his ranch to Emily Adair Grant. Her son, LeRoy, lived on the ranch and operated it along with his own property. When Emily Grant died, the ranch became property of Emma G. Neilson. By this time the Goddard name had been dropped and it was called the Grant ranch. It is still called the Grant Ranch on signs and maps, although it is no longer the property of any Grant descendant. A. Cannon Huntsman, a son-in-law of LeRoy and Sadie Grant, now owns and operates that part that belonged to LeRoy."
Pg. 143: "Joseph Welton Adair, Sr. was born November 6, 1881, in Washington, Utah, [Kerry's note - error: should be Nutrioso, AZ] to George Washington Adair and Emily Presinda Tyler. He was a brother of Emily Jane Adair. He married Sarah Adelia (Susie) Taylor who was born Nov. 6, 1882, in New Harmony to Independence and Julia Anner Taylor. Soon after Joseph and Sarah Adelia married, they moved to Farmington, New Mexico. All their five children were born there. Farmington is a farming and livestock area located on the San Juan River. They lived there for about 22 years. Eventually their longing for the area where they were born and raised and the aging of their parents brought them back home. They sold their holdings in Farmington, and with team and buggy, wagons, horse, mules, and an Angora goat herd, they covered the 600-mile journey to New Harmony, arriving during the summer of 1925. The Angora goat business was booming in New Harmony at the time. A total of 10,000 head were owned in the Valley, and Joseph Adair owned 1,000 of them. He summered them in the East Mountain area and wintered them on the Arizona Strip. Joseph and his two oldest sons, Joseph and Mark, were with the herd most of the time. They used two riding mules named Tom and Betty. Joseph W. Adair, Sr. died Nov. 9, 1926. The load of caring for the goat herd then fell fully upon Joe, Jr., age 18, and Mark, about 15. The children at that time ranged in age from six to 22 years. The two youngest children, Ruth and Riley, were in school in New Harmony. In 1933, when Lurene Pace Taylor moved into the Max Pace home, Susie Adair and her family moved into the home of Independence Taylor to care for her aging father. Uncle Penn was 79 years old at the time. Susie Adair eventually married Randell Lunt. When Independence Taylor died, his home lot and other property near town became her property. When Susie died, the property became owned by Ruth and George Smith. Both Joseph Adair, Sr., and Sarah Adelia Taylor Adair Lunt are buried in the New Harmony Cemetery."
5. "Joseph Welton Adair, Sr.
(A short sketch of my Grandfather, written by Sherril Ruth Adair Clegg, and with the help of Aunt Ruth Adair smith, Don and Carolyn (Adair) Smith, Sheldon Grant and others. This will be added to from time to time as more information becomes available.)
He was born in Nutrosio, Apache County, Arizona on Nov. 6, 1881. His father was George Washington Adair and his mother was Emily Presinda Tyler. He was the 9th child born to them. [Kerry's note: typescript gives names and very short biographies of the 8 other children born before Joseph Welton Adair. I choose not to include with my transcription.]
At a Conference held in St. George, there were several families called to go to Arizona to help settle the area, also help with teaching the Indians in that area. George Washington Adair was one of those called. They prepared to go as soon as possible. They packed everything up and left by wagons, going to Lee's Ferry and up the Honeymoon trail (before it was called that) and on into the Arizona country.
They stayed in a three room cabin with Great Grandpa George Washington and Emily and their family in one room, his son George, Jr. and his wife Almira and her family in one and Emily's Uncle William Pulsipher in the other. In the spring Great Grandfather went further south and built a log cabin in Nutrioso. It was the first log cabin built by a white man in that area. It is here that a 9th Child, my Grandfather, Joseph Welton Adair, Sr., was born. It is a beautiful little valley, but close to the White Mountains area, where the Apache Indians were. The area is called Bush Valley today. The Indian Geronimo and his band raided around the area, but thought this valley was sacred, so left the settlers alone. They did raid, burn, steal and kill many people in the surrounding areas. Victorio was also a problem at this time.
There were bad men that would steal, rob and kill in Arizona and then they would come up to the Stringerville area to hide. The Clanton Gang of the OK Corral fame were one of these gangs. One time there was a gang of men that robbed a bank and raced out of town, ended at the edge of Eager, just a few miles south of Stringerville and a few miles north of Nutrioso. Then they got into an argument as to how to split the money. They started shooting each other and most of them were killed. The headstones are there where they were killed. The Sheriff caught up to them and got the remaining men. The wonderful, fearless lawmen from the Tombstone area came and helped clean out the outlaws. It was a very dangerous thing to go to town to get supplies. Most of the town of Stringerville were Catholic and did not want any Mormons even buried in their Cemetery. As a result there are two Cemeteries. The rough element made fun of Mormons, and gave them a very bad time. One day they killed a man as he came to get supplies, just to see if Mormons would die like any other man.
As you can see, these times were the real wild west, and at this period of time our Great Grandparents were very much a part of it. They did not find things easy, but they never stopped believing in the Church and did all they could to help support and teach their growing family. [Kerry's note: typescript gives names and very short biographies of the 10th and 11th children born to Joseph's parents. I choose not to include with my transcription.]
Also, at this time Great, Great Grandfather, Samuel Jefferson Adair was living with Great Grandfather George Washington Adair and his family and then come back. He died at Nutrioso July 6, 1889. We believe he is buried there as the obituary, written by George Washington Adair in the Deseret News states. [Kerry's note: I believe this to be incorrect since the LDS branch record of Nutrioso clearly states he died in Nutrioso but was buried in St. Johns - contact me for copy of record if needed.]
The winters were so bad they moved to Alpine a few miles to the south. Great Grandfather's friend Jacob Hamblin lived there and the two families had lived by each other in Kanab. This was Priscilla Hamblin and her family. They moved back to Nutrioso and lived there about 10 years from 1881 to 1887 or 1889.
They moved to the Muddy in Nevada where they traded Cattle and horses to the Whitmore family for a strip of land. They caught wild horses from the Arizona Strip and trained them, then sold them. It was here that my grandfather, Joseph Welton Adair, Sr., was breaking a horse, when it reared up over backwards and the saddle horn went into his chest. From this injury he had heart trouble the rest of his life. It has been told to me that he had a bad leg and used a cane. It could be that his leg was injured at this time also.
He was taken to New Harmony to Emily Jane Adair Grant his sister's to recuperate. He stayed there and the doctor from Cedar City came to help him. He stayed there through the winter.
It was while here that he met Sarah Adelia Taylor and fell in love. When he was well enough to travel he told her that he would go to New Mexico and build a cabin, then they would be married.
He did come back and they were married. Sarah was the daughter of Independence Taylor and Julia Aner Taylor. She was born Nov. 6, 1882 in New Harmony, Washington Co., Utah.
Soon after they were married they moved to New Mexico. They had five children:
1. Carrie Adair born July 26, 1907 at New Harmony, Washington Co., Utah. She married Leslie Chambers and was later divorced. She later married Ed McReynolds. She died and is buried in Los Angeles, Calif.
2. Joseph Welton Adair, Jr. Born April 22, 1913 at Cedar Hill, San Juan Co. New Mexico. He married Susan Evaline (Evelyn) Smith Adair on Nov. 17, 1933 in St. George, Washington Co., Utah. They were married in the St. George Temple. This is my father and mother.
3. Mark Twain Adair born June 10, 1915 at Aztec, San Juan, New Mexico. He married Virginia (?) and was divorced. He later married Gertrude Travor. He died in California, where he lived, but is buried in New Harmony.
4. Riley Adair was born Dec. 5, 1918 in (?) New Mexico. He never married, lived with Joe and Mark. He died in California at Uncle Mark's home and is buried in New Harmony.
5. Ruth Alice Adair born May 17, 1921, at Hammond, San Juan, New Mexico. She married George M. Smith and they are living in Vernal, Uintah Co., Utah at this time.
While in New Mexico, Rufus and Joseph went to Durango to work in a saw mill. They also helped their father haul freight to and from Durango, Colorado.
Joseph and Rufus bought a ranch in Meyers Canyon, south west of the Chaco Trading Post that was run by his brother, a few miles south of Hammond. Daniel Moroni Tyler, Emily's brother lived there also. They had cattle and horses. They had bought the ranch from Mrs. Samon. The children were brought to Hammond for the winter to go to school. There was a real bad winter in 1921 and most of the cattle died. As the snow was so bad they couldn't get feed to them. They were unable to make payment on the ranch and lost it.
Soon after this, Grandpa and Grandma decided to go to New Harmony where Grandma's family lived. They sold their holding and with 2 wagons, teams, horses, mules and an Angora herd of 600 (1,000?) head, they started for Utah. Grandpa was very sick at this time and was put in a bed in one of the wagons. Grandma drove one of the wagons. Aunt Ruth was only 3 years old and very worried about her father. She would not go near the wagon where he was, because she was so scared and did not understand why her father was not up with her mother. Dad and Uncle Mark had to help drive the goats and other animals. Dad was only 12 years old and Uncle Mark only 10 years old. Aunt Carrie stayed in New Mexico with relatives. The rest of the family came to Utah.
They went as far as Bluff and stayed for the winter. The children went to school in Bluff, Utah and the continued their journey in the spring. It took them 1 ½ years to get to New Harmony as they had to graze their animals along the way. They had to go across the San Rafael Swell to Saline and then on to New Harmony. (We need to do more checking on this as Gerry said they stayed in Moab, and Donell said that they crossed the Dirty Devil and Colorado Rivers and came through Hanksville.)
When they got to New Harmony, Grandma's sister-in-law was living with her father with her children as her husband, William Penn had died. They camped behind the house by the nut trees and then found a house they could use.
The Angora goat business was going strong at this time. There were about 10,000 head owned in the area. Grandpa owned about 1,000 of them. He summered them in the East Mountains (now known as the Kolob Cliff's). The road that goes to the cliffs now, was the road that they used to take the goats to summer. They wintered them on the Arizona Strip.
Grandpa and his two oldest sons (Joe and Mark) were with the herd most of the time. They used two mules named Tom and Betty, and had a very good dog that helped them.
While on their way to winter the goats of the Arizona Strip, Grandpa got very sick and was taken back to St. George. He died there on November 9, 1926. He was brought back to New Harmony and buried there.
The load of caring for the goat herd fell on my father Joseph Welton Adair, Jr. and Uncle Mark. Dad was not quite 14 years old and Uncle Mark was 11 years old. The children at that time ranged from 5 years to 19 years in age. The two youngest children, Ruth and Riley were in school in New Harmony.
Dad told how he had a new pair of Levi's, he took them to St. George and went to a store to trade them for food. The first store would not do anything for him. He went across the street to another store and the man let him have a side of bacon and a few candy sticks. This was all they had for Christmas this year.
(This is not finished as we need to check out the Muddy in Nevada, also, did he go to Vernal when his father went to visit his twin sister? All input to help to correct or add to this history would be gratefully appreciated.)"
1. FHL Film 2456: "Early LDS Church Membership Records for Nutrioso, Arizona": Record of the Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Nutrioso Ward, St. Johns Stake of Zion. Page not noted:
1. George W. Adair; father: S.J. Adair; mother: Jamima Mangum; 27 Jun 1837 at Pickens Co., Alabama; received 6 Apr 1885 from Kanab; removed 25 Oct 1889 to Utah.
2. Emily P. Adair; father: Daniel Tyler; mother: Ruth Welton; b. 28 Jan 1847 at Council Bluff, Iowa; first baptism: by Proctor; first confirmation: by Proctor; received 6 Apr 1885 from Kanab; removed 25 Oct 1889 to Utah.
3. Olive Adair; father: George W. Adair; mother: Emily P. Tyler, b. 27 Nov 1864 at Washington, Washington, Utah; blessing 27 Nov 1864 by Daniel Tyler; died 28 Nov 1864.
4. Emily Jane Adair; father: George W. Adair; mother: Emily P. Tyler, b. 28 Dec 1865 at Washington, Washington, Utah; blessing Jan 1866 by James Richie; first baptism: by John S. Bunting; received 6 Apr 1885 from Kanab; removed 25 Oct 1889 to Utah.
5. Daniel T. Adair; father: George W. Adair; mother: Emily P. Tyler, b. 3 Dec 1867 at Beaver, Beaver, Utah; blessing 1867 by Daniel Tyler; received 6 Apr 1885 from Kanab; removed 25 Oct 1889 to Utah.
6. Samuel J. Adair; father: George W. Adair; mother: Emily P. Tyler, b. 3 Mar 1870 at Beaver, Beaver, Utah; died 30 Jan 1871; blessing 1870 by S. J. Adair
7. William A. Adair; father: George W. Adair; mother: Emily P. Tyler, b. 7 Feb 1872 at Beaver, Beaver, Utah; blessing 1872 by Jacob Hamblin; ordained a Teacher 29 Jul 1888 by Allen Frost; removed 25 Oct 1889 to Utah.
8. John W. Adair; father: George W. Adair; mother: Emily P. Tyler, b. 10 Feb 1874 at Kanab, Kane, Utah; blessing 1874 by John Nuttall; removed 25 Oct 1889 to Utah.
9. George N. Adair; father: George W. Adair; mother: Emily P. Tyler, b. 23 Mar 1876 at Kanab, Kane, Utah; blessing 1876; removed 25 Oct 1889 to Utah.
10. Ruth Alice Adair; father: George W. Adair; mother: Emily P. Tyler, b. 16 Sep 1878 at Kanab, Kane, Utah; first baptism: 2 Jun 1887 by Allen Frost; first confirmation: 2 Jun 1887 by G.W. Adair; removed 25 Oct 1889 to Utah.
11. Joseph W. Adair; father: George W. Adair; mother: Emily P. Tyler, b. 17 Jun 1881 at Nutrioso, Apache, Arizona; first baptism: 5 Sep 1889 by L.J. Brown; first confirmation: 5 Sep 1889 by L.J. Brown; removed 25 Oct 1889 to Utah.
12. Rufus N. Adair; father: George W. Adair; mother: Emily P. Tyler, b. 16 Sep 1884 at Nutrioso, Apache, Arizona; blessing 1884 by S.J. Adair; removed 25 Oct 1889 to Utah.
13. Edna Irene Adair; father: George W. Adair; mother: Emily P. Tyler, b. 20 Jan 1887 at Nutrioso, Apache, Arizona; blessing by S.J. Adair; removed 25 Oct 1889 to Utah.
2. FHL film 392631 LDS "Patriarchal Blessings Index": Joseph Walton Adair, b. 17 Jun 1881 at Antrioso, Apache, Ariz., parents George W. Adair and Emily P. Tyler. Blessing date 26 Nov 1890 at Beaver, Utah. Lineage: Ephraim. Patriarch Daniel Tyler. Vol. 262, p. 196.
3. Date per website for Utah State Historical Society Cemeteries Database 1 Jan 2002. Date and place confirmed with Nutrioso LDS Ward Records quoted above.
1. Per Family Search "Utah, Marriages, 1887-1966".
1. Date per website for Utah State Historical Society Cemeteries Database 1 Jan 2002.
2. Per 25 Jan 2002 email of Carolyn Smith : "We made phone calls to Donel Adair in Mayfield, Utah & his sister Sherrill Clegg in Spring City, Utah. We did find out that Uncle Joseph Welton Adair died near New Harmony. He and his family were traveling by team & wagon on their way to St. George to spend some time in the warmer climate. They camped near Black Ridge in the vicinity of Pintura & that night Uncle Joe became ill & died. The family felt that it was a problem with his heart that had killed him. As a young man while chasing wild horses on the Arizona Strip he had an accident that injured him in his abdomen. The family felt like this old injury had caused his death."
1. Per website for Utah State Historical Society Cemeteries Database 1 Jan 2002.
2. Per website ; "Cemetery/Death Indexes (1852-1996) in Washington County, Utah," compiled by Wesley W. Craig, Ph.D: "Joseph W. Adair, b. 17 Jun 1881, d. 9 Nov 1926, New Harmony Cem."
1. Per Robin Adair 20 Jan 2002 email: He is descendent through Daniel Tyler Adair.