Notes |
1. Typescript "Early Adairs of Laurens County, South Carolina." Compiled by Mildred Brownlee; Source Records: Wills; Intestate Estates; Deeds; Court Records; Cemetery Inscriptions. Some dates of birth and death obtained from Lineage Charts. Dates of birth and death subject to correction. Spelling of names subject to correction. [Note that bracketed comments are later additions by other reviewers including myself - Kerry Petersen.]
"Compensation for Revolutionary Service.. South Carolina House of Representatives-Annuities, Claims, and Pension Reports.
Feb. 7 pd. Eliz. Adair, widow of Robert,* killed by Indians.
Apr. 24 pd. Sarah Adair, widow of John, killed in '82.
June 10 pd. Catherine Adair, widow of Benjamin, killed 10 Mar. '81.
Nov. 29 pd. Elizabeth Finny. Widow of John Finny, killed at Cowpens. She mar. (2) Robert Long.
1786 Aug. 23 pd. Eliz'h Adair, wid. of Robert, killed by Indians."
2. "The South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research," vol. 1, p. 67, which also prefaces the list with the following comment: "Compensation for Revolutionary Service. The Following records are preserved in their original form at the South Carolina Archives. They are entitled 'House of Representatives / Annuities, Claims, and Pension Reports,' and although they are unsigned, they evidently were transmitted by the State Treasurer to the House of Representatives."
"May 24, 1785, paid Sarah Adair, widow of John, killed in 82, 8.15."
3. Note from the following quotation that it appears Sarah remarried at least twice - first to John Watson and second to John Hansel. Typescript "Early Adairs of Laurens County, South Carolina." Compiled by Mildred Brownlee; Source Records: Wills; Intestate Estates; Deeds; Court Records; Cemetery Inscriptions. Some dates of birth and death obtained from Lineage Charts. Dates of birth and death subject to correction. Spelling of names subject to correction. [Note that bracketed comments are later additions by other reviewers including myself - Kerry Petersen.]
"Joh Adair - killed in '82. John Adair served as a private in the Revolution and was killed in 1762 [s/b 1782]. His widow, Sarah, drew a state annuity for his service. His indent for Revo. service, No. 349, Book 8, was redeemed by James Adair, admr. of the estate of John Adair, dec'd. on 15 Sept. 1785. (Accounts Audited, SC Archives). Estate papers for John Adair are in Abbeville Co. C.H., Box 2, pkg. 30, administered 5 May 1784 by Sarah Adair, James Adair, Joseph Adair, and James Montgomery. Inv. made by Thomas Ewing, James Craig, and Benjamin Adair.
Mrs. Sarah Adair furnished the hire of a wagon and salt for the use of the Militia in the Revo. Indent No. 351, Book S...£3... 5 sh... 5½ pence.
John Adair left a widow, Sarah, and five children:
Benjamin Adair. Jr.
Joseph Adair
Martha Adair
Hezekiah Adair
Isaac Adair
All were minors in Laurens Co. Court Minutes in 1785. Benjamin Adair, Sr. was guardian of the minors, with Joseph Adair, surety.
John Adair received a Royal Grant of 100 a. in Craven Co. (*Colonial Craven Co. included a part of the present Laurens Co.) on waters of Duncan Creek. The original grant certified on 18 Aug. 1772, granted 11 Aug. 1774, memorial in the Auditor General's Office, Book M, No. 13. p, 230, 7 Jan. 1775.
Laurens. Co. Deed Bk, F. pp. 49-50 - 1 Dec. 1778, John Adair and wife Sarah, to James Adair for 10 shillings paid to him the said John Adair by the above named James Adair, 100 a. in Craven Co., waters of Duncan Creek, bound N by James Adair; SE on Joseph Adair & vacant land; and on all other sides vacant land ... mentions plat to the original grant... mentions that another deed is to be made and dated "the day next after the day of the date of these presents"...
(s) John Adair, (s) Sarah Adair
Wit: William Adair, William Ross, John Finney
(Note: During this period, land transfer was made by the old form of "lease and release". The above document was the "lease" for 10 shillings. Recorded next was the "release" document by which the land was actually sold for £50.)
2 Dec. 1778 - John Adair and wife, Sarah, to James Adair, saddler, for £50, the above 100 a. in Craven Co., waters of Duncan Creek, the original grant certified 18 Aug. 1772, granted 11 Aug. 1774. etc... (deed continues with description given in first deed).
(s) John Adair, (s) Sarah Adair
Wit: William Adair, William Ross, John Finney
Dec. 2, 1778 - Received from James Adair, Jr., the sum of £50 in full consideration. (s) John Adair
Before me, George Ross. J.P., personally came William Adair & made oath that he "seen" John Adair and Sarah, his wife, sign, seal, deliver the within lease and release unto James Adair, Jr. for the intent and purposes therein mentioned. (s) William Adair
John Adair evidently held title or right to other land before his death:
Deed Bk. E, p. 405 - 30 Sept. 1794, John Hansel and wife, Sarah, (late wife of John Wattson and John Adair, dec'd.) and Benjamin Adair, Jr., her son and heir of the dec'd John Adair to Benjamin Adair, Sr. for £106 sterling, 173 a. on Duncan Creek, being parts of 3 different tracts: (1) 100 a. add. Joseph Adair, Sr., John Brotherton, John McCrary, & land surveyed by Andrew Paul; (2) 60 a. bounding E on James Adair, W on the other part of the Brotherton land and all other sides on vacant land; (3) 13 a. a part of a tract of 200 a. on the 8 side of Duncan Cr. laid out to James Adair, Sr.
John H Hansel (his mark)
Wit: James Howerton, James Adair. Jr., John Robinson
Who was John Adair, killed in '82? Adair names in the estate papers of John Adair and the fact that Benjamin Adair, Sr. was guardian of his children indicate that he may have been a son of Joseph Adair, Sr., cooper.
Of the 173 a. owned by John Adair at his death, tract 1 is not readily identified; tract 2 appears to have been the 60 a. purchased by James Adair, cooper, from John and Esther Brotherton in 1774; tract 3 appears to have been 13 a. of the 50 a. kept by James and Eleanor Adair when they deeded 15 a. to John Jones in 1784. So ... was John Adair son and heir of James and Eleanor?"
1. At an average age difference of no less than one and half years between all five known children and knowing John Adair died in the Revolutionary War in 1782, the marriage had to be before 1775.
2. Note from Brownlee's typescript quoted above, it appears Sarah remarried at least twice - first to John Watson and second to John Hansel. The specific part of the quote is:
"Deed Bk. E, p. 405 - 30 Sept. 1794, John Hansel and wife, Sarah, (late wife of John Wattson and John Adair, dec'd.) and Benjamin Adair, Jr., her son and heir of the dec'd John Adair to Benjamin Adair, Sr. for £106 sterling, 173 a. on Duncan Creek, being parts of 3 different tracts: (1) 100 a. add. Joseph Adair, Sr., John Brotherton, John McCrary, & land surveyed by Andrew Paul; (2) 60 a. bounding E on James Adair, W on the other part of the Brotherton land and all other sides on vacant land; (3) 13 a. a part of a tract of 200 a. on the 8 side of Duncan Cr. laid out to James Adair, Sr.
John H Hansel (his mark)
Wit: James Howerton, James Adair. Jr., John Robinson
1. After 30 Sep 1794 when she was involved in the deed quoted above.