Notes |
1. Typescript "Early Adairs of Laurens County, South Carolina. Compiled by Mildred Brownlee; Source Records: Wills; Intestate Estates; Deeds; Court Records; Cemetery Inscriptions. Some dates of birth and death obtained from Lineage Charts. Dates of birth and death subject to correction. Spelling of names subject to correction." [Note that bracketed comments are later additions by other reviewers including myself - Kerry Petersen.]:
"Joseph Adair, b. 12 Apr. 1735 (from a chart), d. 17 Oct. 1812, said in Dr. Adair's History to have married Sarah Dillard but Laurens Co. legal documents prove that the Joseph Adair whose wife was Sarah, was a son of James Adair, Sr., cooper (died before 1796) and his wife, Eleanor.
The only record found to date naming a wife of Joseph Adair, son of Joseph Adair, cooper, is the deed from Book J. p. 50 which documents her as being Elizabeth Adair in 1808. Whether she was a 1st wife, 2nd. wife, etc., we have no positive record. She evidently had died before Joseph Adair wrote his will in 1812 in which he named no wife but "my eight children".
Deed Bk. J, p. 100 - Shows a plat of 340 a. on Miller's Fork of Duncan Creek measured out for Joseph Adair and Elisha Adair. Joseph Adair for $100 paid by Elisha Adair deeds to said Elisha Adair all that tract of land containing 340 a. more or less, part of tract. of land including 800 a.* originally granted to Joseph Adair on 13 Sept. 1774. Said tract is to remain in possession of said Joseph Adair during his natural life and also that of his wife during her natural life so that this conveyance is not to take place or be of fore during the natural life of either the said Joseph Adair or his wife but the land hereby conveyed ie. to remain the property or the said Joseph Adair during his life as tho this conveyance had never been made or entered into. In witness whereof I, the said Joseph Adair, have hereunto set my hand and seal the 15 day of July 1802.
Joseph Adair (seal)
In presence of James Adair, John Hunter
Recorded Aug. 31. 1809.
(Either the Register of Deeds recorded in error the 800 a. figure as a single grant or the 800 a. was intended to represent the accumulation of several smaller grants. No single grant of 800 a. to a Joseph Adair has been located.)
Deed Bk. J, p. 50 - Joseph Adair and Elisha Adair for $350 deed to Alexander Wilkinson, a tract of land containing 150 a. more or less, on the waters of Duncan Creek, on a branch called Miller's Branch beginning at a poplar thence S 74 E 40ch 50 links to a white oak. thence due E 13.70 to a stake, thence N 79 W 24.46. etc., mentioning "meanders of said creek" to the beginning corner. 4 Nov. 1808.
Joseph Adair (Seal), Elisha Adair (Seal)
In presents of Thomas McCrary, Senr., James Adair
South Carolina, Laurens District) I, JA Elmore, one of the Justices of Quorum for the said district, do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that Elizabeth Adair, Senr., the wife of the within named Joseph Adair, Senior and Elizabeth Adair, Junr., the wife of the within named Elisha Adair did this day appear before me and upon being privately and separately examined by me did voluntarily renounce, release, and forever relinquish unto the within named Alexander Wilkinson all their right and claim of dower of, in, or to the premises within mentioned. 23 Nov. 1808.
her mark Elizabeth E Adair, Elizh. Adair
(L.S.) JA Elmore, J.Q.
Recorded 14 Jan. 1809.
(The 150 a. above is evidently part of the 340 a. which Joseph Adair had previously deeded to Elisha Adair but retained life estate for himself and his wife. In order to insure that there would be no future legal entanglements, both Joseph Adair and Elisha Adair entered into the sale of the land. Their wives, both of whom were named "Elizabeth", released dower rights.)
*It should be noted here that Joseph Adair of above deed was called Sr. after the death of his father. During the period with which we are concerned, the terms "Sr." and rily "son of" but could be nephew, grandson, cousin and sometimes not related by blood. When a man known as "Sr." died, the man of the same name who had previously been known as "Jr." now became "Sr." Very confusing, to say the least. The terms "Sr." and "Jr." were also occasionally used with women's names.
Records of the eight children named in the will of Joseph Adair who died in 1812 begin on page 6. A copy of his will can be found in Will Book D-1, p. 105. Probate records are in Box 3, pkg. 6.
Recorded in Will Book D-l, Page 104, Bundle 65, pkg. 10. Proven January 14, 1813. David Anderson Ordy. Will of Joseph Adair:
"State of South Carolina Laurens District. In the name of God, Amen. Know all men by those presents that I Joseph Adair of tho same State and District are now in good health and in my natural senses at this date and time make this my last will and testament. At my death I bequeath my body to tho tomb, my soul to the almighty God, my maker and created and Jesus Christ my redeemer. Likewise I give and bequeath unto John Adair my son all the land that I layed off for him, that Richard Hollen and John Frier now lives on and one Negro woman named Jude. Likewise, I give and bequeath unto my son James Adair all that part of a tract of land he now lives on lying on the South Side of Little Dunkins Creek bounded on land of Thomas McCrary, Alexander Wilkerson, Elisha Adair and one Negro man named Duke. Likewise, I give and bequeath unto my son Robert Adair the money that he did receive from Alexander Wilkerson for a tract of land made over by me and my son Elisha Adair to said Wilkerson and one Negro girl named Tamer. Likewise I give and bequeath to my son Elisha Adair all that part of land I now live on containing three hundred and seventy five acres more or less, resurvayed by John A. Elmore one Negro boy named Morris, one new waggon and all her harness. Likewise, I give and bequeath unto my grandson Joseph Adair, son of Elisha Adair, one set of silver coat buttons, and one set of silver breeches buttons to my son Robert Adair. I likewise, give and bequeath unto my daughter E1izabeth and her husband John Huston, one Negro girl named Clartis to be thern during there natural life, and at their death to be equally divided among all Elizabeth Huston's children of her natural body. Likewise, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jean, wife of Thomas Holland. one Negro girl named Dice. Likewise, I give unto my daughter Cassy, wife of Thomas McCrary one Negro woman named Lid. Likewise, I give and bequeath, unto Charity, wife of David Little, one Negro woman named Sarah and all the rest of my perishable property to be equally divided among my eight children of my natural body. I hereby set my hand and seal this 20th of January, 1812. It being the thirty sixth and thirty seventh years of American Independency. And l do here appoint Elisha Adair and John Adair my Executors.
Joseph Adair (Seal)
Witness present: Richard Holland, William Adair, George McCrary
Recorded in Will Book D-1, Page 105. Recorded date not available. Proven Jan, 15, 1813. David Anderson Ordy."