Chris & Julie Petersen's Genealogy

Charles Pini Rothenberger

Male 1860 - 1934  (74 years)

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  • Name Charles Pini Rothenberger  [1
    Birth 1860  Lenox Township, Iowa, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Census 7 Aug 1860  Lenox Township, Iowa, Iowa, United State Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Micheal Rothenberger Household
    Micheal Rothenberger Household
    Death 1934  , , Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Burial Union Cemetery, Hardin, Hardin, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I2203  Tarbert - Waldo
    Last Modified 6 Feb 2016 

    Father Valentine Rothenberger,   b. 30 Mar 1834, Rheinsheim, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 18 Feb 1922, Grant Township, Franklin, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 87 years) 
    Mother Mary Ann Rehart,   b. Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage 8 Mar 1859  , Perry, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Perry City Ohio Marriages, Vol 1 Copy at Salt Lake Family History Library. This reference was found on Rootsweb's WorldConnect website. Submit by Helen Rehart Fagerburg
    Family ID F774  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 1860 - Lenox Township, Iowa, Iowa, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 1934 - , , Iowa, United States Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Photos
    Micheal Rothenberger Household
    Micheal Rothenberger Household

  • Notes 
    • BURIAL: Union Cemetery at Iowa Falls, Harding Co., Iowa
      Section 4 Row 18
      Rothenberger, Valentine S.4 B4 L6 s4 1834-1922 Rothenberger, Charles P.
      Notice as you are going by, As you are now so once was I. As now I am, so shall you be left, So while on eath prepare for death.
      ROTHENBERGER S.4 B4 L6 s5 (ditto) MONUMENT
      Rothenberger, Charles P. S.4 B4 L6 s6 1860-1934 (ditto)
      All 48 Cemeteries in Hardin Co., Iowa Burial records from 1850’s to mid-1999 Published by Madeline Mason FHL film # 1425448 Book US/CAN 977.7535 V39m

    • Notes from Census event:
      1) Micheal Rosenbarger, age 66, male, Farmer, $1200 - value of real estate, $400 -value of personal estate, born in Baden
      2) Mary Rosenbarger, age 58, female , born in Baden, Ama Rosenbarger, age 18, female, born in Baden
      3) Velentine Rosenbarger, age 26, male, Farm Laborer, $100 -value of personal estate, born in France
      4) Mary A. Rosenbarger,age 20, female, born in Ohio
      5) «b»Charles Peni Rosenbarger«/b»,age 6/12, male, born Iowa.

  • Sources 
    1. [S109] Iowa, Iowa, Iowa, Iowa Country-1860-U.S. cenus, (National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), M653, roll 325 (FHL film 803325, Lenox Township, p. 174, dwelling 1161, family 1202, Household of Micheal Rothenberger (Reliability: 3).
      Micheal Rosenbarger, age 66, male, Farmer, $1200 - value of real estate, $400 -value of personal estate, born in Baden; Mary Rosenbarger, age 58, female , born in Baden, Ama Rosenbarger, age 18, female, born in Baden; Velentine Rosenbarger, age 26, male, Farm Laborer, $100 -value of personal estate, born in France; Mary A. Rosenbarger,age 20, female, born in Ohio.Charles Peni Rosenbarger,age 6/12, male, born Iowa.
      7 Aug 1860.