Chris & Julie Petersen's Genealogy
Laura Schneider

Name Laura Schneider [1, 2] Birth 26 Feb 1850 Deavertown, Morgan, Ohio, United States [1, 2]
Gender Female Census 19 Sep 1850 York Township, Morgan, Ohio, United States [3]
1850 Census Census 21 Jun 1860 New Lexington, Perry, Ohio, United State [4]
1860 census
George was living with his family in New Lexington, Perry County, Ohio. His family consisted of his wife, four sons and two daughters. His occupation was listed as a grocer.
Census 15 Aug 1870 Fremont, Benton, Iowa, United States [2]
Census 1884 Watkins, Benton, Iowa, United States [5]
Iowas State census 1885 Residence 31 Oct 1931 Watkins, Benton, Iowa, United States [6]
Emma Kimm Dies at Blairstown.jpg Residence 27 Feb 1932 Watkins, Benton, Iowa, United States [7]
_FSFTID 9V5Y-8T8 _PPEXCLUDE V Death 4 Aug 1937 Burial Watkins, Benton, Iowa, United States Person ID I1426 Tarbert - Waldo Last Modified 18 Sep 2018
Father Greorg Schneider, b. 9 Apr 1820, Rheinsheim, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany d. 29 Jun 1871, , , Iowa, United States
(Age 51 years)
Mother Maria Regina Rothenberger, b. 31 Oct 1824, Rheinsheim, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany d. 21 Sep 1887, Watkins, Benton, Iowa, United States
(Age 62 years)
Marriage Abt 1848 , , Ohio, United States Family ID F42 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Hudson Calhoun Swick, b. 30 Sep 1845, New York, United States d. 28 Feb 1922, Watkins, Benton, Iowa, United States
(Age 76 years)
Marriage 3 Jan 1871 Watkins, Benton, Iowa, United States Children 1. Swick d. 13 Feb 1882, Watkins, Benton, Iowa, United States 2. Harvey L Swick, b. Cal 31 Mar 1869 d. 13 Jan 1872 (Age ~ 2 years) 3. George E. Swick, b. Cal 17 Dec 1872 d. 26 Feb 1874, Watkins, Benton, Iowa, United States (Age ~ 1 years)
4. Thomas Wilbur Swick, b. 4 Oct 1875, Blairstown, Benton, Iowa, United States d. 1962 (Age 86 years)
5. Herbert Ellis Swick, b. 22 Sep 1877, Watkins, Benton, Iowa, United States d. 18 Jul 1961, Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, United States
(Age 83 years)
6. Leslie Swick, b. Abt 1879, St Clair, Benton, Iowa, United States d. 1879, Iowa, United States
(Age ~ 0 years)
7. Corah Swick, b. 1884, Watkins, Benton, Iowa, United States d. 28 Nov 1890 (Age 6 years)
8. Ida Swick, b. 30 May 1889, Iowa, Benton, Iowa, United States d. 7 Nov 1897 (Age 8 years)
Family ID F540 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 31 May 2021
Event Map = Link to Google Earth
Notes - CENSUS: 1885 Iowa state Census - Saint Clair township, Benton County FHL film 1021441 page 300
69, 69, Swick, Hudson C, township 82, Range 10, Section 26, town of Watkins, age 39, Male, White, Married, Carpenter, , New York, Subject to military duty - Yes, Entitled to vote - Yes,
Laurah, age 35, Female, White, Married, Wife, ,born in Ohio, both parents - Foreign
Thomas, age 9, Male, White, Single, Child, Born in Benton County Iowa,
Herbert, age 7, Male, White, Single, Child, Born in Benton County Iowa,
Corah, age 0 [If born in 1884 write 0], Female, White, Single, Child, Born in Benton County Iowa,
Shneider, Regina, 60, Female, White, Widow, , Germany, both parents - Foreign
1895 Iowa state Census - Saint Clair township, Benton County View online @, page 3
2, 23, 23, Swick, Hudson C, age 49, Male, Married, New York, Both parents -Native, Carpenter, Belief - Protestant, , Entitled to vote - Yes, Soldiers,
Sailors and Mariners in War of the Rebellion: Company: "C", Regiment: 132, State: ILL, Arm of Service and Rank: Priv
Laura, age 47, Female, White, Married, born in Ohio, Wife, , both parents - Foreign, Keeping House, Protestant
Thomas, age 17, Male, White, Single, Child, Born in Benton County Iowa,
Herbbie, age 17, Male, White, Single, Child, Born in Benton County Iowa,
Corah, age 0 [If born in 1884 write 0], Female, White, Single, Child, Born in Benton County Iowa,
1925 Iowa state census shows Laura live with her son Herbert. She is 74 years old and has been in Iowa for 62 years (about 1862/1863) It also states that her parents are Geo Schneider and Rachel Rothenberger both born in Germany and marriage in Ohio. And she was not affiliated with any church. FHL film # 1429212 - St.clair township, Benton County, Iowa See additional notes under Herbert Swick.
- Notes from Census event: 1) George Sneider, age 30, male, farmer, born in Baden
2) Rigalda Sneider, age 26, female, born in Baden
3) Frederick Sneider, age 1, born in Ohio
4) Emma Sneider, age 6 months, born in Ohio
5) «b»Lara Sneider«/b», age 6 months, born in Ohio
60 Joseph Lyman, age 51, Joseph Lyman, age 17, male, Hatter, born in Germany - Notes from Census event:
1) George Snider, age 40, male, born in Baden, white, Grocer, value of personal estate - $150, born in Baden
2) Rachel Snider, age 35, Female, white, housewife, born in Baden
3) Frederic Snider, age 12, male, born in Ohio, attended school
4) «b»Lowry Snider«/b», age 10, male, born in Ohio, attended school
5) Ame Snider, age 10, female, born in Ohio, attended school
6) Caroline Snider, age 8, female, born in Ohio, attended school
7) Lewis Snider, age 6, male, born in Ohio, attended school
8) George Snider, age 3, male, born in Ohio; - Notes from Census event:
18, 18, 18, Kimmo, Augustus, 29, [1841], Male, White, Farmer 4000, 1150, Hesse-Darmstadt, Father of foreign birth - Y, Mother of foreign birth - Y, male citizen - y.
19, 18, 18, Kimmo, Emma, 20, [1850], Female, White, Keeping House, Ohio, Father of foreign birth - Y, Mother of foreign birth - Y.
20, 18, 18, Kimmo, Mary, 2, [1868], Female, White, Iowa, Father of foreign birth - Y.
21, 18, 18, Kimmo, Laura, 1, [1869], Female, White, Iowa, Father of foreign birth - Y.
22, 18, 18, Sire, Henry, 14, [1856], Male, White, Farm Laborer, New York.
23, 18, 18, «b»Snyder, Laura«/b», 20, [1850], Female, White, Ohio, Father of foreign birth - Y, Mother of foreign birth - Y - Notes from Census event:
1) Hudson C Swick, Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 39, male, white, married, carpenter, born in New York, father and mother native, subject to military duty, entitled to vote.
2) «b»Laurah Swick«/b», Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 35, female, white, married, wife, born in Ohio, father and mother foreign.
3) Thomas Swick, Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 9, male, white, single, child, Benton, born in Iowa, father and mother native.
4) Herbert Swick, Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 7, male, white, single, child, Benton, born in Iowa, father and mother native.
5) Corah Swick, Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 0, female, white, single, child, Benton, born in Iowa, father and mother native.
6) Regina Shneider, Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 70, female, white, widowed, ---, born in Germany, father and mother foreign;
- Notes from Residence event:
"Mother of 17 Children Dies At Blairstown" Blairstown, Oct. 31-Mrs. Emma Kimm, 81 years old, widow of G. H. Kimm, died Friday morning at her Blairstown home of pneumonia following an illness of only a few days. Her husband's death occured six weeks ago. Services will be held sunday at 2.00 p.m. in the Presbyterian church here, with the Rev. J.B. C. Peck conducting the rites. Burial will be in Mound cemetery at Watkins. Six grandsons, who were pallbearers for Mr. Kimm, will act as casket bearers for their aged grandmother Mrs. Kimm was the mother of seventeen children. Emma Schneider, daughter of Gregory and Regina Schneider, was born Feb. 26, 1850, at Deavertown, Ohio, coming to Iowa, when a small child with her parents. She was married Dec.. 26, 1876 at Marengo. the Kimms moved to a farm northeast of Blairstown in 1886 from a place near Norway. They went to Huron, S. D., in 1010 retuning here last year. Fourteen children surviving are:«b» «/b»Henry, Archie, Martin, Matt, and Gus H., of Blairstown, Charles of Coggon, Mrs. Laura Hotchkiss and Mrs. Ella Merrifield of Cedar Rapids, Aurthur of Wolsey, S, D., Mrs. Emma Lowe. Mrs. Allce Boone, Mrs. Maggie Johnson, Mrs. Abbie Wodstrichill and John, of Huron S.D..«b» «/b»The family includes sixty grandchildren and forty-five great grandchildren. Other relatives living are four sister Mrs. A. S. Kimm of Blairstown, Mrs. John Lauger of Des Moines, Mrs Rose Bansch of Atkinson, Neb., and«b» Mrs. Laura Swick of Watkins, her twin.
- Notes from Residence event:
Watkins Woman, 82, Observes Birthday; Pioneer of Benton - Benton county News - Special to Daily Times - Watkins, Feb. 27 - Mrs. Laura Swick, the last surviving widow of Clair township, Benton county celebrated her 82nd birthday yesterday at her Watkins home. members of the Community church Ladies Aid, in which Mrs. Swick is an Active worker, spent the afternoon with the aged woman and lunch was served. The honor guest was presented a gift. Mrs. Swick was born in Morgan county, Ohio, and came to Iowa with her parents in 1862. She was married to Hudson Swick on March 1, 1871, and the family located here in 1874. she has lived in the same home for 57 years Of the three daughters and five sons born to Mrs. Swick there are two sons living: Herbert Swick of Watkins and Thomas Swick of Blairstown. There are eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren in the family. Enjoying good health, Mrs. Swick cares for her garden and flowers in the summer and pieces quilts for members of her family in the winter
- CENSUS: 1885 Iowa state Census - Saint Clair township, Benton County FHL film 1021441 page 300
Sources - [S205] Iowa, Benton County, Iowa, Benton County - 1925 State census, (Digital images. Famiily History Library - Salt Lake City. . : 23 August 2016), Belle Plaine-Eden, p. 484, image 484, line 28 to 32, Thomas W. Swick household; ( : accessed 8 Oct 2017) (Reliability: 3).
Thomas W. Swick, head, male, white, 48 age (last birthday), married, O (Own Home), 1000 (value home), 1000 (insurance on the home), no (Are you naturalized), attended High School, 12 (completed grade), reads & writes, Iowa (birthplace), Hudson C. Swick (father), New York (father's birthplace), Laura Schieder (mother), Ohio (mother's birthplace), Iowa (parents' marriage place), Carpeter, material (transport), none (Church affiliated with); Verda Swick, wife,female, white, 33 age (last birthday), married, attended High School, 12 (completed grade), reads & writes, Ill. (Birthplace), William S. Vanghn (father), Ill. (Father's birthplace), Maud Beckwll (mother), MO (mother's birthplace), Ill. (Parents' marriage place), X (engaged in domestic personal service), Methodist (Church affiliated with); Mildred Swick, daughter, female, white, 11 age (last birthday), single, attended Grade School, 6 (completed grade), 9 months of school in 1924, reads & writes, Iowa (birthplace), Thomas W. Swick (father), Iowa (father's birthplace), Verda Swick (mother), Iowa (mother's birthplace), Iowa (parents' marriage place), blank (Church affiliated with); Vernon Swick, son, male, white, 9 age (last birthday), single, attended Grade School, 3 (completed grade), 9 months of school in 1924, reads & writes, Iowa (birthplace), Thomas W. Swick (father), Iowa (father's birthplace), Verda Swick (mother), Iowa (mother's birthplace), Iowa (parents' marriage place), blank (Church affiliated with); Magret Swick, daughter, female, white, 6 age (last birthday), single, attended Grade School, 6 (completed grade), 9 months of school in 1924, reads & writes, Iowa (birthplace), Thomas W. Swick (father), Iowa (father's birthplace), Verda Swick (mother), Iowa (mother's birthplace), Iowa (parents' marriage place), blank (Church affiliated with).
1925. - [S207] Iowa, Benton, Iowa, Benton County - 1870 - U.S. census, ( National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), M593, roll 376, FHL film 000545875, Florence Township, p. 4 (handwriten), dwelling 18, family 18, Augustus Kimms household, accessed 5 Nov 2017 (Reliability: 2).
18, 18, 18, Kimmo, Augustus, 29, [1841], Male, White, Farmer 4000, 1150, Hesse-Darmstadt, Father of foreign birth - Y, Mother of foreign birth - Y, male citizen - y; 19, 18, 18, Kimmo, Emma, 20, [1850], Female, White, Keeping House, Ohio, Father of foreign birth - Y, Mother of foreign birth - Y;
20, 18, 18, Kimmo, Mary, 2, [1868], Female, White, Iowa, Father of foreign birth - Y; 21, 18, 18, Kimmo, Laura, 1, [1869], Female, White, Iowa, Father of foreign birth - Y; 22, 18, 18, Sire, Henry, 14, [1856], Male, White, Farm Laborer, New York; 23, 18, 18, Snyder, Laura, 20, [1850], Female, White, Ohio, Father of foreign birth - Y, Mother of foreign birth - Y
15 Aug 1870. - [S64] Ohio, Morgan County, Ohio, Morgan County - 1850 - U.S. census, ( National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), M432, York Township, p. 81, dwelling 346, family 355, George Sneider Household, accessed 4 Dec 2015 (Reliability: 3).
George Sneider, age 30, male, farmer, born in Baden; Rigalda Sneider, age 26, female, born in Baden; Frederick Sneider, age 1, born in Ohio; Emma Sneider, age 6 months, born in Ohio, Lara Sneider, age 6 months, born in Ohio, Joseph Lyman, age 51, Joseph Lyman, age 17, male, Hatter, born in Germany
4 Dec 2015. - [S69] Ohio, Perry, Ohio, Perry County-1860-U.S. census, ( National Archives and Records Administration, 2009), M653, roll 1022, New Lexington, p. 267 (printed), dwelling 336, family 326, George Snider household, accessed 4 Dec 2015 (Reliability: 3).
George Snider, age 40, male, born in Baden, white, Grocer, value of personal estate - $150, born in Baden; Rachel Snider, age 35, Female, white, housewife, born in Baden; Frederic Snider, age 12, male, born in Ohio, attended school; Snider, age 12, male, born in Ohio, attended school; Lowry Snider, age 10, male, born in Ohio, attended school; Ame Snider, age 10, female, born in Ohio, attended school; Caroline Snider, age 8, female, born in Ohio, attended school; Lewis Snider, age 6, male, born in Ohio, attended school; George Snider, age 3, male, born in Ohio;
21 Jun 1860. - [S78] Iowa, Iowa State Census - 1885, ((, accessed 6 Dec 2015), Hudson C Swick household; Family # 69, (Reliability: 3).
Hudson C Swick, Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 39, male, white, married, carpenter, born in New York, father and mother native, subject to military duty, entitled to vote; Laurah Swick, Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 35, female, white, married, wife, born in Ohio, father and mother foreign; Thomas Swick, Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 9, male, white, single, child, Benton, born in Iowa, father and mother native; Herbert Swick, Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 7, male, white, single, child, Benton, born in Iowa, father and mother native; Corah Swick, Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 0, female, white, single, child, Benton, born in Iowa, father and mother native; Regina Shneider, Township 82 Range 10 Section 26, town of Watkins, age at birthday in 1884 - 70, female, white, widowed, ---, born in Germany, father and mother foreign; - [S82] Iowa. Venton., Iowa, Benton County, Vinton -Cedar Valley Daily Times (Newspaper), "Mother of 17 Children Dies at Blairstown," 31 Oct 1931, p. 3, col. 3; digital images( : accessed 20 Dec 2015). (Reliability: 3).
"Mother of 17 Children Dies At Blairstown" Blairstown, Oct. 31-Mrs. Emma Kimm, 81 years old, widow of G. H. Kimm, died Friday morning at her Blairstown home of pneumonia following an illness of only a few days. Her husband's death occured six weeks ago. Services will be held sunday at 2.00 p.m. in the Presbyterian church here, with the Rev. J.B. C. Peck conducting the rites. Burial will be in Mound cemetery at Watkins. Six grandsons, who were pallbearers for Mr. Kimm, will act as casket bearers for their aged grandmother Mrs. Kimm was the mother of seventeen children. Emma Schneider, daughter of Gregory and Regina Schneider, was born Feb. 26, 1850, at Deavertown, Ohio, coming to Iowa, when a small child with her parents. She was married Dec.. 26, 1876 at Marengo. the Kimms moved to a farm northeast of Blairstown in 1886 from a place near Norway. They went to Huron, S. D., in 1010 retuning here last year. Fourteen children surviving are: Henry, Archie, Martin, Matt, and Gus H., of Blairstown, Charles of Coggon, Mrs. Laura Hotchkiss and Mrs. Ella Merrifield of Cedar Rapids, Aurthur of Wolsey, S, D., Mrs. Emma Lowe. Mrs. Allce Boone, Mrs. Maggie Johnson, Mrs. Abbie Wodstrichill and John, of Huron S.D.. The family includes sixty grandchildren and forty-five great grandchildren. Other relatives living are four sister Mrs. A. S. Kimm of Blairstown, Mrs. John Lauger of Des Moines, Mrs Rose Bansch of Atkinson, Neb., and Mrs. Laura Swick of Watkins, her twin.
31 Oct 1931. - [S82] Iowa. Venton., Iowa, Benton County, Vinton -Cedar Valley Daily Times (Newspaper), "Watkins Woman, 82 Observes Birthday; Pioneer of Benton," 27 Feb 1932, p. 6, col. 3; digital images( : accessed 20 Dec 2015), Newspapers. (Reliability: 3).
Watkins Woman, 82, Observes Birthday; Pioneer of Benton - Benton county News - Special to Daily Times - Watkins, Feb. 27 - Mrs. Laura Swick, the last surviving widow of Clair township, Benton county celebrated her 82nd birthday yesterday at her Watkins home. members of the Community church Ladies Aid, in which Mrs. Swick is an Active worker, spent the afternoon with the aged woman and lunch was served. The honor guest was presented a gift. Mrs. Swick was born in Morgan county, Ohio, and came to Iowa with her parents in 1862. She was married to Hudson Swick on March 1, 1871, and the family located here in 1874. she has lived in the same home for 57 years Of the three daughters and five sons born to Mrs. Swick there are two sons living: Herbert Swick of Watkins and Thomas Swick of Blairstown. There are eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren in the family. Enjoying good health, Mrs. Swick cares for her garden and flowers in the summer and pieces quilts for members of her family in the winter
- [S205] Iowa, Benton County, Iowa, Benton County - 1925 State census, (Digital images. Famiily History Library - Salt Lake City. . : 23 August 2016), Belle Plaine-Eden, p. 484, image 484, line 28 to 32, Thomas W. Swick household; ( : accessed 8 Oct 2017) (Reliability: 3).