Chris & Julie Petersen's Genealogy
Wild Rose Cemetery, Wild Rose Prairie, Spokane, Washington, USA
Wild Rose Cemetery was established in 1885. A plaque near the entrance of cemetery says, "Dedicated to Veterans of All Wars." Furnished by the American Legion, Guy Enman Post #156, Deer Park WA 1971.
Wild Rose Cemetery is located west of Hwy 395 in S.W 1/4 of Sec 3, Twp. 27 N, Range 42 E, in Wayside Township on Wild Rose Prairie at 5800 W. Monroe Rd and 22200 W. Monroe Rd. This is because the road goes around the cemetery. If you go west from Hwy 395 on Monroe Rd., which would be about 15 miles north of Spokane Wa., you will find it.
At one time this was a thriving community. It is still called Wild Rose Prairie, but the postal service has placed it into the Deer Park area.