Chris & Julie Petersen's Genealogy
Cemeteries and Headstones in Spokane, Washington, USA
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Bessie M. Wilson Koon 1894 - 1983 Our Beloved Mother |
Located | Lawn 5 Sec 25K Sp 1a | Edward W. Hurry (d. 10 Jun 1904)
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Grace E. Gilbert Headstone |
Located | Garden of Good Shepherd | Grace Edith Hall (d. 13 Nov 1966)
Grace E. Hall Gilbert 1880 - 1966 Age 85 |
Located | Grace Edith Hall (d. 13 Nov 1966)
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |